Every little thing makes a difference!


Green Key Global is the only international certification program highlighting the actions taken by the tourist accommodation sector to reduce its environmental impact. Auberge du Lac Taureau is proud to have been awarded 3 GREEN KEYS thanks to our achievements in environmental management and social responsibility. Our management team has implemented sound environmental programs, improved management practices, training programs and technical solutions that have benefited both the environment and the local community. That's why we're committed to offering our guests responsible, sustainable tourism accommodation. 


The Auberge du Lac Taureau is proud to be one of 5 Quebec hoteliers chosen in 2022 to participate in the circular economy showcase project. This project, in collaboration with RECYC-QUÉBEC, the Ministère du Tourisme (MTO) and the Association Hôtellerie du Québec (AHQ), aims to help tourist accommodations adopt best practices in sustainable development. This two-year project totalling $105,000 involves documenting, testing and disseminating best practices in circular economy in the tourist accommodation sector. It also involves raising awareness and mobilizing accommodation businesses, customers and citizens to adopt best practices. Hotel managers are thus encouraged to take action, and have a range of approaches at their disposal to initiate or intensify actions that preserve resources from a circular perspective. 

Our good moves...


  • Energy management 
    • LED lights 
    • Automatic thermostats 
    • Electric car terminal
    • Rechargeable batteries for administration  
  • Water management     
    • Water aerators 
    • 6L dual-flush toilets 
    • Water recuperator in kitchen 
  • Waste management 
    • Kitchen compost 
    • Recycling bins 
    • Can recycling bin 
  • Use of ecological products
    • Malté product, in room and on sale in our boutique 
    • BOD product - Mostly biodegradable and third-party certified

Our good moves...


  • Sorting station 
    • Bulb 
    • Battery 
    • Electronic device 
  • Single-use product. Disposal of: 
    • Sugar sachet
    • Jam container
    • Individual butter 
    • Individual milk and cream 
  • Certification 
    • Green Key 
    • Goutez Lanaudière 
    • Tourisme Durable Québec
  • Circular economy 
    • Restoration of our dining room chairs

Our good moves...


  • Communication 
    • Website 
    • Facebook 
    • Employee newsletter
    • Posters on site
  • Culture 
    • Auberge history on dining room menus
    • History of Lac Taureau on common area walls 
  • Local and artisan products
    • Many local products on sale at our boutique
    • Our dining room waiter Roger Valade produced all our tables in the Cerf Rouge restaurant and also produced several sculptures displayed in the restaurant. 
    • Quebec microbrewery beer 
  • Donation 
    • Employee donations for surplus equipment or products

Our upcoming projects...


  • Water management 
    • Natural and sparkling water fountains
    • Elimination of plastic water bottles
    • Rainwater recovery for our public toilets


  • Implementation of innovative technology 
  • Getting a 4th green key 


  • Formation of a green committee
  • Training for employees  
  • Review sustainable action plan

For more information about Auberge du Lac Taureau's commitment to sustainable development, please contact : 
450-870-0133 ext. 8402